Belfast Walk
50 people took part in the Belfast Walk in memory of their dear friend Laura, who died of secondary breast cancer last year, leaving her husband and four young children.
50 people took part in the Belfast Walk in memory of their dear friend Laura, who died of secondary breast cancer last year, leaving her husband and four young children.
Eliza held a bake sale at work to raise money for Secondary1st in memory of her good friend’s dear mother Caroline Norris, who fell victim to secondary breast cancer late last year.
Congratulations to Brian who trained for hours and hours through rain, ice and cold, fighting exhaustion and somehow finding the will to go on. Then he ran the London Marathon to raise money for Secondary1st. As he said: “Beating this horrible disease is something that needs to be done.
Some friends who had a sweepstake at a baby shower chose Secondary1st to receive the money. One of their friends recently lost her Mum to secondary breast cancer and they felt that this is a cause dear to their hearts.
One of our supporters who has been living with secondary breast cancer has been knitting these beautiful hedgehogs and selling them to raise money for Secondary1st.
Drawing on some of Rosie’s favourite things, her friend Hannah organised a champagne and sushi party for 25 friends on 21st January and raised £820 for Secondary1st.
Dalia organised a read-a-thon for kids to encourage them to read as many books as possible throughout February and raise money For Secondary1st by asking everyone they know to sponsor them for every book they read. Learn more.