Brighton to London Cycling Event

On October 14th a team of 12 from Bristows including partners, trainees and associates set off in the morning and spent nearly 6 hours cycling from Brighton to London. At the same time indoor team cycled for 15 minute slots on Wattbikes – they matched the road conditions by setting some slots to a steep…

Charity efforts provide hope as family adapts to mum’s death

Elliot Choueka is in his kitchen. The table is a jumble of paperwork, a laptop and his phone, which flashes and beeps every few minutes. Behind the father-of-two is a noticeboard full of his children’s achievements and reminders written in chalk to pack their PE clothes. He used to share the responsibility for remembering these things with his wife but today, as he prepares Friday night dinner, he is on his own.

Mr Choueka lost his wife, Rosie, whose blog about battling breast cancer captured national attention, in June last year. Tomorrow would have been her 40th birthday.


Quiz Night

A fun-filled quiz evening was organised by Andrea Pellegrini, one of the “cancer bitches” and her friends on 17th September. Everyone in the packed hall enjoyed trying to answer the questions, with a much-needed break for a fantastic supper with many opportunities to win the huge number of amazing raffle prizes.

Care for incurable cancer is “second rate”

This article was first published in the Times (15 July) and is written by Chris Smyth.   Thousands of patients with incurable cancer are condemned to second-rate care, a report today warns. Patients are ignored by doctors, suffer delays in treatment and only get help when they go to A&E. Progress in treating early stage…