Here are a few simple ideas to get you started.

© user Jo Simon

Walk or Run

Get a group of friends together, choose a scenic route and walk or run to raise money. Everyone makes a financial pledge.


© user

Car boot sale

Get into the loft or garage that you’ve been meaning to clear out and raise money for a good cause at the same time. You can get your neighbours to join in and make it a street jumble sale.

© user (Mick Baker)rooster

Five-a-side football tournament

Raise funds among friends by charging each player a fee. Get fit, have fun and contribute to a good cause – there is no way to lose!

© user Ann Larie Valentine

Throw a dinner party

Put together an invitation list, cook something delicious and charge your guests a fee for attending.

© user Basheer Tome

Coffee morning

A good option for the office. Bring a plate of biscuits, scones, tea, coffee or other goodies for colleagues. Have everyone donate a bit of money

Here are some more examples for inspiration:

Craig: Keeping fit for a good cause

image1Craig Fisher has raised an amazing £12,000 by participating in a series of marathons, duathlons and triathlons.

“The main aim was to look for something that would seriously challenge me, not just a single event to focus on and train for, but a series of events which meant training for almost a whole calendar year,” he said.

Craig started with the Windsor duathlon in February, which meant running 10 kilometres, bicycling for 40 kilometres and running another five kilometres.

In May he completed the 70.3 Mallorca triathlon. He swam 1.9 kilometres, biked for 90 kilometres up a mountain and then ran 21 kilometres.

Craig’s other fundraising events include: completing the July 70.3 triathlon challenge in Milton Keynes (Cowman), a 100-mile bike ride through London and the Royal Parks half marathon in October.

Alex and Sebby: Friends running to find a cure

IMG_034410-year-old school chums Alex Russell and Sebby Boxall took part in the St. Albans 1.5 kilometre Fun Run.

Alex’s mum, Hannah, was Rosie’s best friend.

“I wanted to prove to secondary breast cancer that together we are unstoppable,” said Alex.

Sebby added that he wanted to show his friend his support.

“I chose to run for Secondary1st because it means a lot to one of my good friends, Alex, who knows first-hand how hard it is to lose someone close due to secondary breast cancer,” he said.

Together the friends raised £550.

Deborah: A chocoholic’s challenge

20160624_184732Self-confessed chocolate addict Deborah admits that, “chocolate is my favourite food, meal and drink. If I could, I would eat it morning, noon and night.”
So when her niece dared her to give it up for a year to raise funds she took on the challenge.

“What better way to raise money for charity than give up something I love in memory of someone I love?” she asks.

She resisted many temptations, averted her eyes from shop shelves packed with her favourite sweets and in the process raised £1,500.

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