So I’m BRCA negative (for the Jewish mutations). This should be good news. It should mean a lumpectomy. This should mean less pain, a shorter recovery, our holiday looks more likely blah blah blah. But the geneticist reckons I still have a 20-25% chance of another primary breast cancer. If I have a double mastectomy I think from what I’ve read that this comes down to about 3%. I’m pretty sure my surgeon will tell me to treat what I have now and worry about the future in the future. And that’s good advice. I don’t want Genghis to spread. But it’s not a particularly enviable position to be in.
And of course, there’s more waiting. I got the results on Thursday evening from the genetic testing. I have to wait until Tuesday evening to see the surgeon again. So that’s another weekend of sitting and waiting and waiting and waiting. Hopefully surgery will be at the end of next week. Hopefully! Who would ever think I would hope to have surgery for breast cancer?
So in the meantime I have decided to do a photo diary of my hair. Hah ha ha! I’m going to do a first shot – before (see below)- then an intermediate shot when I have it cut into a bob. Then I imagine there will be be a shot of it all shaved. And I’m sure several shots of wigs and hair scarves. Then the final slow painful process of growing it back again.
This is all far from joyful but I am determined to get as much fun out of it is possible. I have had the same cut for ages now so maybe it’s time for something new. It would be good to have at least one thing to thank Genghis for.