I’m just home from my second round of chemo. It was fine. So far I feel woozy and heavy legged but not ill. But I’m waiting for the nausea to hit which is an odd thing. Sitting. Waiting to feel horrid.
It was all very cheerful at the chemo centre this morning. The lady in the room next door wanted to know where my scarf came from as she really liked it. We had a nice chat. Today was her last chemo – lucky lucky thing.
Scarf. Yes. My head is now shaved in anticipation of my hair falling out. So far the stubble is holding on. It makes me wonder if I’m not going to lose it after all and if I will have shaved it for no reason. Another odd thing – hoping my head stubble falls out. But then I remember that it is bound to drop out. My mum and husband both like the shaved look. Personally I’m happy in a scarf. But good to know that I don’t look too hideous without any hair! Here’s a photo:
I think the scarves are quite a nice accessory and they keep me warm. It’s a good excuse to buy new clothing (as if I needed one!).